
Joseph Matthew Leads Africa To The “Promise Land”

Written by Matilda Owusu

The continent, Africa has for so long a time been regarded as a land of underdevelopment, unrighteous, pagan, and a lot of negatives. These assertions with time is fast depleting because Africa now has represented positively globally in art, music, sports, etc. The continent has not just competed in these spheres but also dominated in them.

It is in this vein that Joseph Matthew is admonishing the inhabitants and indegines of the continent Africa, to be happy and jolly because certainly all indications points to the fact that the proverbial, “Promise Land” in the Bible is indeed Africa, and they are the chosen people.

Joseph Matthew in his fresh song, “Promise Land” encourages Africa to get back to God although seemingly lost, dejected and lamenting, we need to get back to God, and like the prodigal son, he will perfect everything because the continent and its people are the chosen.

The song, “Promise Land” is an intricately woven piece of art raking of sounds and rhythm from Africa. The visuals also represent the cultures of Africa.

Joseph Matthew as an initiator of the Afro-gospel genre does it beautifully and wondrously that his songs are so unique.

Enjoy “Promise Land” by Joseph Matthew from below. Do not forget to share.

About the author

Matilda Owusu

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